
Home > Showroom > Application Cases and Successful Experience of Spider Crane in the Industrial Field

Application Cases and Successful Experience of Spider Crane in the Industrial Field

Jul 31 2024

Small spider crane is widely used in various industrial fields with its flexibility and efficiency, playing an irreplaceable role from equipment installation to maintenance and rescue. Its unique design enables it to operate in narrow spaces and complex terrains to meet various special needs. When budgeting for your project, consider the spider crane cost as a key factor.


Installation and maintenance of wind power generation equipment


Application: The tracked mini crane can operate stably on uneven terrain due to its multi-section telescopic arm and strong carrying capacity. With spider crane, the hoisting and installation of wind power generation equipment can be easily completed. In addition, the compact design of spider crane enables it to move flexibly in narrow spaces, which is convenient for daily maintenance and overhaul of equipment.

Successful experience:

Plan in advance: According to the specific terrain of the wind farm, plan the hoisting route and the layout of the support feet in advance to ensure the stability and safety of the operation.

Regular inspection: Regularly inspect and maintain the equipment to ensure its reliability and safety in high-load working environments.


Hoisting of large equipment in petrochemical plants


Application: The tracked mini crane has demonstrated its superiority in the installation of equipment in petrochemical plants. Its multi-angle operation capability and strong carrying capacity enable it to efficiently complete the lifting task of large equipment in a narrow factory.

Successful experience:

Strictly abide by safety regulations: When operating spider cranes in high-risk environments, strictly abide by safety operating procedures to ensure the safety of operators and equipment.

Real-time monitoring: Use the equipment’s remote monitoring system to monitor the equipment status during the lifting process in real time, and promptly discover and eliminate potential risks.

Installation and commissioning of manufacturing production line equipment


Application: The small spider crane plays an important role in the installation of production line equipment. Its flexible operation mode and high-precision lifting capacity enable it to efficiently complete the installation and commissioning tasks of equipment in a narrow production workshop.

Successful experience:

Precise positioning: Use its intelligent control system to achieve precise positioning and stable installation of equipment, and improve the installation accuracy and efficiency of the production line.

Quick response: During the equipment installation process, respond to and handle sudden problems in a timely manner to ensure that the installation task is completed on time.


Emergency rescue and emergency handling


Application: The tracked mini crane performs well in emergency rescue. Its rapid deployment and multi-functional operation capabilities enable it to quickly enter the accident site and complete tasks such as equipment lifting, obstacle clearing and rescue material transportation.

Successful experience:

Equipment maintenance: Regularly maintain the spider crane to ensure that it can operate normally and maximize its effectiveness in emergency situations.

Collaborative operation: Collaborate with other rescue equipment and personnel to improve rescue efficiency and safety.


Small spider crane can efficiently complete lifting tasks in various complex environments, providing strong support for efficient production and safe operation in the industrial field. In the future, with the continuous advancement of technology, spider cranes will play an important role in more fields, helping industrial development while improving operational safety and efficiency. Understanding the spider crane cost upfront can help you plan your equipment investment effectively.

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