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How to Maintain Spider Cranes in Summer

Jul 03 2024

Summer is the hottest season of the year. High temperature and humidity pose special challenges to the maintenance of construction equipment, especially spider cranes. Proper maintenance can not only extend the service life of mobile spider cranes, but also ensure their safe operation under high temperature conditions. The following is a maintenance guide for spider cranes in summer:


Cleaning and inspection. The dusty and high humidity in summer can easily cause dust and dirt to accumulate on various parts of mobile spider cranes, which may cause component damage or performance degradation. Clean the spider crane regularly, especially its hydraulic system, motor and lifting mechanism. Use a clean cloth and appropriate detergent to remove accumulated dirt and oil stains, and check for signs of rust or damage.


Lubrication. Since high temperatures in summer accelerate the consumption of lubricants and greases, it is essential to check and replenish lubricants regularly. Make sure all moving parts, such as bearings, rotating mechanisms and joints, are properly lubricated. Choose high-temperature resistant lubricants to prevent the lubrication effect from being reduced due to high temperatures.


Check the hydraulic system. The hydraulic system is the core part of the tracked spider crane, and its performance directly affects the stability and efficiency of the equipment. Check the hydraulic oil level to ensure that the oil is clean and free of impurities. Hot weather may cause the hydraulic oil temperature to be too high. Check whether the system’s cooler is working properly. If necessary, replace the aged hydraulic oil to avoid overheating of the system.

Maintenance of the electrical system. Summer thunderstorms and humidity may affect the electrical system of the 8 ton spider crane. Check all electrical connections and insulation to ensure that there is no looseness or wear. Avoid moisture from entering the electrical components. It may be necessary to add protective measures in wet weather, such as using waterproof coverings.


Protect from the sun. Prolonged sun exposure can cause damage to the coating and plastic parts of the 8 ton spider crane, causing fading and aging. When not in use, store the equipment in a cool place as much as possible, or cover it with a sunshade to reduce direct exposure to ultraviolet rays.


Inspection of tires or tracks. For tracked spider cranes, it is crucial to check the condition of the tires or tracks. High temperatures may cause the tire pressure to be too high or accelerate the aging of the rubber. Check the tire pressure and wear regularly to ensure that it is operating in good condition.


Emergency equipment inspection. Make sure the emergency stop button and safety equipment of the tracked spider crane are in good condition. During summer construction, high temperatures may cause operator fatigue and increase the risk of operating errors. Therefore, the reliability of safety equipment is particularly important.

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