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سيناريوهات تطبيق الرافعة العنكبوتية

2023-11-17 10:40:17

Tower cranes and truck cranes commonly used in urban construction; aerial cranes commonly used in workshops; and larger crawler cranes, tire cranes, etc. Everyone is familiar with their functions and uses. But few people know about small cranes, such as small spider cranes. Today, SEVENCRANE will give you a detailed introduction to the specific applicable fields of spider cranes.

ال رافعة العنكبوت makes it possible to install glass even under roofs by using vacuum glass suction cups mounted on explorer hooks. It can also be transported to the upper floors of high-rise buildings by elevators or large cranes, and then used for installation of exterior walls such as glass frames. This is one of the most popular applications for mini-cranes, which can shorten construction cycles and reduce costs by avoiding the use of expensive tower cranes.

In a narrow space, with its petite body and four outriggers, the spider crane can make full use of the effective operating radius and work safely in a limited space while avoiding obstacles. It is most suitable for working in narrow locations that cannot be entered by larger cranes.

رافعة عنكبوتية صغيرة

The spider sling is small in size and light in weight. When the four legs are deployed, it puts little pressure on the ground. It can be placed on the roof, roof, or inside the house, and materials can be lifted from the ground or outside the house. Shorter construction cycles and cost reductions can be achieved.

It is suitable for steel structure installation projects in various buildings and roofs, as well as steel tower installation projects. Used for hoisting construction materials at airports, railway stations, dam construction sites, etc.

Used for equipment maintenance, line replacement and material lifting, such as automobile manufacturing plants, chemical plants and other factories.

The crawler design of the spider crane allows it to work on the most uneven ground. The crane can be balanced in a horizontal position using four outriggers and can even be used on stairs and uneven ground. It is therefore suitable for the installation of headstones, garden stones and monument stones around the world as well as the lifting of materials on railway roads and road maintenance work.

رافعة العنكبوت الزاحفة

With its excellent accessibility, it is used for installation work of display boards, signage, etc. in large commercial buildings such as shopping malls, stadiums and theaters. In power stations and substations where power lines are spread throughout, digitally controlled working range limiting prevents the boom from connecting to power lines, so lifting work can be carried out safely.

For installation of artworks in inaccessible buildings such as museums and interior venues. The smooth maneuverability makes the small spider crane competent for the installation of fine works of art. The spider crane has a pure electric design and uses an electric engine for indoor work without exhaust emissions.

Maintenance and parts replacement of aircraft, helicopters, military machinery. The miniature spider crane can even be transported by plane to remote locations for maintenance work.

الرافعات العنكبوتية الصغيرة are usually used in places with limited working space such as subways, underground roads, underground facilities, tunnels for water lines and electric wires.

Thanks to its compact body, the spider crane can be easily transported to mining sites. Used on oil drilling platforms in the middle of the jungle, as well as resource development, refineries, gas plants and mining plants.

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