
Heim > Ausstellungsraum > Bau-Hebeausrüstung Mobiler Spinnenkran für verschiedene Räume

Bau-Hebeausrüstung Mobiler Spinnenkran für verschiedene Räume

Jun 05 2024

Spinnenkraniche are small and light, and can be used for lifting small loads outdoors, indoors, and on rooftops. They can lift and hoist building materials from the ground, replacing larger cranes or some tower cranes, which can shorten construction periods and reduce costs. Because of the characteristics and advantages of spider cranes, they are widely used in various occasions.

Installation of glass: Glass can be installed even under the roof. Mini-Raupenkrane can be transported to the upper floors of high-rise buildings by elevators, and then used for the installation of exterior walls such as glass frames. This is the reason why micro cranes are popular. The construction period can be shortened and costs can be reduced by avoiding the use of expensive tower cranes.


Curtain wall installation: Mini crawler cranes are small in size, easy to transport, and widely used in curtain wall construction. They can be used for vertical transportation, hoisting, etc., and the lifting capacity is generally 2~3 tons, which can meet most of the hoisting requirements of the construction site. In addition, spider cranes are also particularly suitable for the installation of unit panels with large changes in the entry and exit of the facade.


Installation of steel structure towers: Mobile Spinnenkräne are widely used in the installation and maintenance of electrical equipment in substations, as well as the renovation and installation of old houses with narrow roads and sites. In power plants and substations with power lines everywhere, the spider crane’s working range limitation function can prevent the boom from touching the wires, making lifting operations safer.


Narrow space operations: Even in narrow spaces, mobile Spinnenkräne can play an important role with four supporting legs. By making full use of the effective working radius, it can work in a limited space to avoid obstacles (such as power lines), and can also achieve safe lifting work. It is best suited for working in narrow locations that larger cranes cannot enter.


Rooftop work: Spinnenkraniche can be placed on the roof and lift materials from the ground. Shorter construction cycles and cost reductions can be achieved. Spider cranes can be easily raised and lowered to the roof by tower cranes or elevators.

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