
Heim > Ausstellungsraum > Malta SS3.0 Spider Crane Transaktionsfall

Malta SS3.0 Spider Crane Transaktionsfall

2023-02-20 17:59:33

Technical Parametrs:

Modell: SS3.0

Tragfähigkeit: 3 Tonnen

Menge: 1 Satz


Spider crane is one of the most faverite products in our company. After finished Chinese New Year holiday, we received the inquiry for our Spinnenkran which is sent from Malta.

Spider crane for Malta

In order to let customer better understood and chose, we sent the catalog of spider crane to our client. After reviewing, our client chose SS3.0 spider crane and he also asked me whether it can add fly jib. I said yes, we can provide. Because he said he would like to use spider crane to 3rd floor and he use it for glass handling and for hire. Hearing this, I asked my client if he needed a suction equipment. So that it will be more convenient to lift glass. Client said at present no. He said he need 2m fly jib and he never used spider crane before. We asked which seaport is nearest, he said Malta freeport is better.


After confirming, we sent the quotation of spider crane. Our client said he was very interested in our product, but he needed to be safe. I sent the CE certificate and some certificates of spider crane to our client to dispel his doubt. Also, about configuration, our client asked whether the program can it be in English, we said yes. And I also showed some pictures of spider crane. Such as feedback pictures of spider crane sent by our Brazil client, the finished pictures of 5 sets spider cranes sent from our UAE client and finished pictures of spider crane which was sold to our Guatemala client.


Next day, our client asked us to send him our bank information. And we sent it and he sent the bank slip to our company next day.

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