
Heim > Ausstellungsraum > Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für den sicheren Einsatz von Spinnenkränen

Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für den sicheren Einsatz von Spinnenkränen

01. Juli 2024

Spinnenkran is an efficient and flexible lifting equipment widely used in various construction and industrial projects. However, to ensure the safety of operation and the reliability of equipment, a series of safe operating procedures must be strictly followed when using spider cranes. The following is a detailed discussion on the safe use of spider cranes:


Preliminary preparation and inspection

Before the mobiler Spinnenkran starts working, a thorough equipment inspection is essential. This includes checking the mechanical structural integrity, the hydraulic system is leak-free, the electrical system is functioning properly, and all safety devices such as the brake system and limit switches are functioning well. Make sure that all parts of the crane, including the legs, wire ropes and hooks, are not worn or damaged.


Operator training

Only operators who have received professional training and obtained the corresponding qualifications can operate mobile Spinnenkräne. The training should include the operation methods of the equipment, the identification of potential risks, the handling of emergencies, and the knowledge of daily maintenance. In addition, the operator should be familiar with the spider crane’s operating manual and the manufacturer’s safety guidelines.

Environmental considerations

Before starting kleiner Spinnenkran operations, the working environment must be evaluated. Ensure that the working area is free of obstacles and the ground is firm and stable to support the weight and operating load of the spider crane. Pay attention to the weather conditions in the working area and avoid operating in strong winds or extreme weather conditions.


Load limit and stability

Strictly adhere to the maximum load limit of the kleiner Spinnenkran and do not overload it. During the lifting process, keep the load balanced and avoid sudden movement or shaking, which may cause the equipment to overturn or the load to fall. At the same time, ensure that the legs of the spider crane are firmly deployed and use all safety supports and locking devices.


Continuous monitoring and maintenance

During the operation of the Spinnenkran, the operating status of the equipment and changes in the surrounding environment should be continuously monitored. After the operation, conduct a post-inspection of the equipment, and clean and maintain it in time to ensure its performance and safety when it is used next time. Perform professional maintenance regularly to check and replace necessary parts.


By following these safety measures, the use of Spinnenkrane will be safer and more effective. Emergency situations should be prepared at all times, including developing appropriate accident response plans and maintaining the availability of emergency rescue tools. Ensuring that all operators and construction team members understand and practice these safe operating procedures is key to ensuring construction site safety and improving work efficiency.

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